WaveTrend Oscillator Test on the Real Market

“WAVE TREND” trading strategy, aimed at working on binary options mainly, recently gained a great popularity on traders’ forums. Its popularity was justified by profitability, efficiency and simplicity. Profitable trade probability fluctuates around 80%.

Before reading the article and writing your questions in the comments section, I recommend to watch this video. It’s not long but covers the biggest part of questions on the topic.


The result of 80% is great for any person working on the stock exchange. Trading strategy’s “feature” which makes it possible to carry out 80% of profitable trades is technical indicators, more precisely, their joint work.

The well-coordinated work of the indicators gives the most accurate and timely signals for the trade opening. Traders manage to close 80% of profitable trades thanks to it.

Select the “Wave trend oscillator” indicator and add “Moving Average” with period 50.

It’s necessary to carefully monitor the price and respond to signals submitted by the trading system in time. The signals occur depending on the indicators’ indications.

Long signal:

  1. Wave Trend indicator’s band passed zero and turned up;
  2. The price crossed Moving Average indicator and closed above it;
  3. After the emergence of the signal from two indicators, the option long is opened down on the broker’s trading platform.

wave trend oscillator

Short signal:

  1. Wave Trend passed zero and turned down;
  2. The price crossed the Moving Average and closed below it;short signal wave trend strategy

Trades duration time

There is no need to keep the trade for several hours while working on the chart period equal to 1 minute. The expiration of 10 minutes will be an optimal time for the position for such timeframes.

Proper funds management on the account

You should understand that saving your capital on a long-term perspective will be your main goal. It is not recommended to invest large amounts.

The optimal trade amount, which guarantees non-emotional and measured trade, should not exceed 5% of the deposit. Everyone, who trades on WAVE TREND system, may hope to get profit if observing all recommendations.


  1. Have been trading trend waves, my results have been above average, I think it is a nice way to trade

  2. thank you very much for your information. Your system is really amazing ! Waiting for a copy of it.